General Forums with Staff Groups
The Hoben Project presents professional development in Marist Charism in a focused and intentional way through Forums run for specific interest groups, requested by the member schools of the Network. The Forums, presented in Wellington, follow the pattern of the Lay Pastoral Ministry programmes. Typically there is some general input on Marist history and spirituality and how it impacts on this particular group. Then there is input, much more specific to the interest of the group, and guidance, especially, on how the individual staff member might apply this aspect of Marist insight to his or her work and life. The participants have the opportunity to network with each other, to exchange best practice examples, to learn from each other’s experience, and to be affirmed in their service to Marist Education.
These are some of the interest groups that gather for Forums:
• Principals and Board Chairs
• Senior Management Teams
• Directors of Religious Studies and Ministry Leaders Religious Education Teachers
• Teachers of Secular Subjects
• Middle Management Leaders
• Teachers new to a Marist School
• Tagged Teachers
• Non-Catholic Teachers
• Extra-curricular coaches and administrators Ancillary staff
• School and Board Financial Officers
• Wananga exploring Marist tikanga
• Servant Leadership in Marist Schools
Te Tiriti O Waitangi in a Marist School